You are ready to test your IndoorAtlas deployment for positioning performance when you have completed all the tasks below:

The positioning performance is generally depending on the following main factors:

Testing while deploying

As said, fingerprinting quality should be continuously monitored during fingerprinting to detect issues as soon as possible. This ensures that issues are fixed before a similar issue is extended on larger areas.

You can have either the on-site team checking the fingerprinting analytics while it's doing the fingerprinting, or 
you can have a person at the back office checking the analytics from the IndoorAtlas webtool.

Note: under Commercial Plans from IndoorAtlas, it's possible to get timely help from the IndoorAtlas Support Team.

In large venues, it is a good practice to test positioning in smaller areas as soon as they have been fingerprinted. To do this, you need to generate a map revision after the fingerprinting paths for an area have been uploaded to the cloud. Testing smaller areas helps you to detect possible issues early.

Tip: If several persons are participating in fingerprinting, each person can check independently the positioning performance in the area he/she has fingerprinted.

Testing after deployment is complete: Ground Truth Test Walks 

Read the next section to learn how to leave the site with good understanding of the positioning performance and a bucket of TraceIds for Ground Truth test walks.