When to use a Walkable Area Mask?

Note that when using IndoorAtlas, the map paths aka “mapped area” automatically softly restricts the area where the blue dot may travel. Softly here refers to the fact that the blue dot can travel through small gaps (roughly 1-2m) in the map coverage, to ease mapping open areas. In some spaces and usage scenarios it may be preferred that the blue dot movement is further restricted, for example:

  • To not dwell over shelves in a grocery store or logistics warehouse.
  • To not cross through non-walkable area such as shelves or multi-floor openings at all.

Creating a mask image

In the above situations you can improve performance by adding a mask image. Note that mask image is same size bitmap image floor plan!

You can create the mask in 3 different ways:

1) Convert a wayfinding graph into floor plan masks using our web tool.

This method assumes a certain width around the graph edges is accessible. To use this method, simply navigate to the Wayfinding tab in the location view, draw a wayfinding graph covering the walkable area, and click Create floor plan masks to open mask creation dialog.

With this method you can create a mask for any floor plan which intersects the wayfinding graph. Note that changes in the wayfinding graph are not automatically reflected in the floor plan masks,

2) Use IndoorAtlas Beacon Planner to draw the coverage area and export mask. 

See image below as an example:

After "Convert to mask", you'll get this image:

3) With any image editing software. Use the floor plan image as a basis.

Creating mask with Gimp

Mask coloring

  • Draw walkable area as black.
  • Draw non-walkable area as white.
  • Don’t use other colors.


Pay attention to the following when creating a mask image:

  • Spaces/area with narrow corridors and tight shelves
    • Create large enough openings around doors. E.g. 2m. 
    • Keep all walkable areas (black) at least 1.5m wide. Do this even if the corridor/area is less than 1.5m wide in reality.
  • Spaces with wide corridors / lobbies (e.g. malls, airports)
    • Mask can be extended slightly on the corridors and lobbies to prevent the blue dot from entering shops and other unmapped area or to dwell over the walls

Other notes:

  • Draw area near escalators and stairs walkable on all mapped floors.
  • Remember to draw entrances walkable (outdoor-indoor).

Mask Examples

Figure 1. Good mask, shelves (white) are think enough. Note that your mapping paths must match with the black areas -- paths on white area are not used! You can check this in app.indooratlas.com.

Figure 2. Bad Mask : too thin walls (white). 

Uploading mask

Please see the images below on how to upload the image. Once you’ve uploaded the mask image, map generation is automatically started to ensure your next map revision contains the mask.