Geofence setup

There are two types of geofence available for crowd density monitoring in the GroundSage system: area geofence and grid geofence. The size and shape of the area geofence are highly customizable based on the layout of the venue, while grid geofence is the same-sized squares laying out next to each other in the venue. Therefore, the capacity of area geofence varies based on the size of the geofence, while the capacity of the grid geofence is the same. Both area and grid geofence is created in the IPS CMS. 

Steps to create a grid geofence :

  1. Login to IPS CMS
  2. Select current venue
  3. Select Geofence and POIs
  4. Click Add Geofence
  5. Draw a geofence by drawing lines around the desired area on the map (begins by clicking on any one of the corners of the desired area and then complete the geofence by going around the area and clicking on every corner)
  6. Click on the geofence polygon
  7. Expand the GroundSage section under Edit selected geofence or POI
  8. Check GroundSage grid geofence
  9. Click Save to cloud

Steps to create a grid geofence :

  1. Login to IPS CMS
  2. Select current venue
  3. Select Geofence and POIs
  4. Click Add Geofence
  5. Draw a geofence by drawing lines around the desired area on the map (begins by clicking on any one of the corners of the desired area and then complete the geofence by going around the area and clicking on every corner)
  6. Click on the geofence polygon
  7. Expand the GroundSage section under Edit selected geofence or POI
  8. Check GroundSage area geofence
  9. GroundSage grid geofence is checked by default when GroundSage area geofence is selected *
  10. Click Save to cloud

* The crowd density calculation of an area geofence relies on the calculation of a grid geofence, therefore, GroundSage grid geofence is checked automatically when creating an area geofence.

Notes :

  1. Update of “GroundSage area geofence” will be effective in GroundSage dashboard around 5 mins
  2. Update of “GroundSage grid geofence” will be effective in GroundSage dashboard around 60 mins
  3. “GroundSage grid geofence” will be automatically selected when the checkbox of “GroundSage area geofence” is selected.