Points Of Interest (POIs) defined in app.indooratlas.com are automatically deployed to the SDK, bundled together with the signal map data used in positioning. Thus, when the user is in a venue, POIs are available offline and using them works without network connection. 

Defining POIs is easy:

  1. Go to the Geofences and POIs tab in app.indooratlas.com
  2. Click "Add POI" on the top-right
  3. Click on the map to add POI
  4. Give it a descriptive name and optionally add image or custom payload (see below)
  5. After adding all POIs, click "Save to Cloud" -- this causes your POIs and Geofences to be distributed to the client device the next time the customer uses your app. 

Images in POIs

You can also associate images with POIs, which can be used as custom icons for them in IndoorAtlas-powered Augmented Reality (AR) apps (see example video here), or on 2D maps. You can upload images to the IndoorAtlas cloud, or set an image URL if you host them yourself. Both options are available in the POI dialog under the Advanced section. 

Click the Add image button to upload images to the IA cloud, or the Add custom payload to add your own image URLs (and other possible metadata) as a JSON string.

It's easy to use POIs in your app, see an example here.

Step 1: Upload the new image to be used (if not already uploaded)

Step 2: Submit the image to the selected POI


3D Objects in POIs

It’s possible to use 3D models as POIs in the IndoorAtlas positioning app (currently iOS app version only), by setting a custom JSON payload for a POI in the web application. 

Unlike in the case PNG images above, the 3D object is not uploaded to IndoorAtlas. Instead, click Edit custom payload button to link to your 3D object package.

The JSON for the custom payload for 3D models looks like this:

  "ARObject": {
    "offset": [0,0,0],
    "rotation": [0,0,0],
    "scale": [1,1,1],
    "obj_url": "https://example.com/model.zip"

The following parameters can be tuned to correct the visual presentation:

  • Offset: XYZ offset of the model in the AR 3D space
  • Rotation: Euler XYZ rotation of the model in the AR 3D space
  • Scale: XYZ scale of the model in the AR 3D space, this is an relative scale so the actual scale depends on the original scale of the model (for example 2,2,2 doubles the scale of the model)

The ZIP file “obj_url” points to must contain the model in “Wavefront .obj” format including all the necessary resources needed to shade and texture the model. Only basic shading is supported with an optional texture image.