The beacon whitelist allows you to control which beacons are used in positioning in your IndoorAtlas locations. This is useful when you have your own or otherwise well-known beacon installation in a location, and when you wish to eliminate the possibly negative effect on positioning caused by moving or otherwise bad quality beacons. When using the whitelist, only the listed beacons will be used in positioning. If the whitelist if empty, then all beacons are used.
You can access the beacon whitelist in the IndoorAtlas web tool, in the Beacons tab of any of your locations.
IndoorAtlas currently supports whitelisting only iBeacons, based on their proximity UUID.
It is important to note that the whitelist is account-wide, that is, the same whitelist is used in all of your locations. This means that, if you have made a beacon deployment in one location and whitelisted a UUID, and you are making another beacon deployment in another location, you must also whitelist the UUID used in the new location.
You can see the effect of changes made to the whitelist in the web tool, in the beacon environment quality analytics view in any of your locations. Updating the whitelist in the analytics view will trigger updating the beacon analytics to reflect the latest changes.